Elf Dice Game

So they’ve released a set of dice based on the movie Elf, and I thought this required a scorecard update for a rather popular dice game…

Elf Dice Set

I made this printable scorecard for the popular dice game to tie in with the Elf dice that are now available. Love the dice, they look great and make a nice addition to holiday games night. Kind of wish they’d gone with more background colours, so they didn’t reuse the same three twice each, but the pictures are fun!

Elf Dice Close up
Elf Dice Close up

I first saw the dice for sale at RetroFestive, Canada’s Pop Culture & Christmas Store. Check out their awesome website here (retrofestive.ca), or better yet go visit their Oakville store when they open at the holidays. You won’t regret it. I’m hoping to get there this year again and pick up more Elf dice to make sure everyone gets a set!

My reproduction of the Elf dice

In order to make the scorecard, I wanted to recreate the dice themselves, because they had such a fun look. I took the images provided on the web, corrected them for perspective and redrew them in Illustrator. It’s for my own personal use, so I’m not too worried about copyright, but I do appreciate the time and work someone else put into them. Go buy the dice, help support their work. I matched the basic look and design. I didn’t match the font and used something similar-enough. I also made the candy cane border as an Illustrator brush and I will share that below in case anyone can think of a use for it in one of their own projects. Not a hard brush to make, but sometimes the corners can be tricky, and this one worked out the corner kinks!

Candy Cane Border Brush
Candy Cane Border Brush

You can download the brush here: http://namethatchristmasspecial.com/download/candy-cane-border.ai

Elf Dice Game Full Scorecard
Elf Dice Game Full Scorecard

You can view a close-up view of the scorecard here:

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  1. Bethany Skolnik

    My kids just discovered the joys of Yahtzee and I was happy to find Elf dice. But, wondered what scorecard we would use. And then I came across this one! Thank you so much! My kids will be so excited to play the holiday version of this tomorrow!!

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