Wrapping Paper Backgrounds

Repeating pattern backgrounds for your computer or phone…

One of the simplest joys I’ve built for myself this Christmas is the idea of Wrapping Paper Backgrounds. Basically, I scan wrapping paper before I wrap with it, then make it into a pattern that repeats and I then use it as my computer’s desktop background. Seems simple enough, but I’ve set it to pick a new, random pattern each hour, so every hour I get a colourful, festive surprise. It’s a little thing, but it’s a great little thing.

I’ve collected the handful of patterns I’ve made here to share so you can download them and try it yourself if you want to. As time allows, I hope to put up a tutorial on how to make the repeating pattern. It’s something that comes easy to me, but that’s after years of patterning. In the meantime, enjoy some of the patterns I’ve already made. 

I hope to add to this collection as I do more scanning and wrapping.

These patterns are of course copyright, so I’m in no position to share them, but it’s just a desktop background, hopefully that won’t raise too many concerns.

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1 Comment

  1. Thank you!

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